This military tactical backpack measures about 18. x 12.9 x 8.6 inches, this backpack can hold all your essential gear. Large multi-layered interior storage compartments hold plenty of outdoor gear, as well as your everyday travel needs.
The military grade backpack is made of polyester material, the tactical assault backpack is reinforced and double stitched at all stress points. Strong and durable, our special coating makes our training backpack both waterproof and scratch-resistant.
The MOLLE External Expansion System is designed to be combined with other equipment to carry pockets, water bottle bags, accessory bags, etc.
The zipper adopts YKK plastic steel zipper, the design is simple and durable, it is not easy to drag the buckle, the sliding is good, the flexibility is strong, and the safety is more guaranteed.
Size : 48 x 33 x 22 cm / 18. x 12.9 x 8.6 inches
Capacity : 35L
5 reviews for Tactical Backpack 35L Camping Hunting Bags Military Tactical Army Bag